
Status do relacionamento: casado(a)
Procurando por: entretenimento
Zodiac sign: Aries
Aniversário: 04-06
registro: 06/11/2021
¨¨˜”°º❤️º°”˜¨¨ HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 ¨¨˜”°º❤️º°”˜¨¨
Próximo nível: 
Pontos necessários: 22
Cute puppy 235 dias h
Cute puppy
Coffee 237 dias h
I want to kiss you239 dias h
I want to kiss you
De: 06.08
You are the air I breathe You are all I understand There are stars in the sky for others my eyes bless the sun you are the earth
Heartflower 241 dias h
Ice coffee242 dias h
Ice coffee
De: Zap0531
Sali, Diana to you with affection!
Friends' hug 243 dias h
Friends' hug
Lipstick 243 dias h
Lovely Donut 244 dias h
Lovely Donut
Fruit basket 244 dias h
Fruit basket
Raspberry drink 245 dias h
Raspberry drink
Smooch 245 dias h
Honey 245 dias h
Heart balloon 246 dias h
Heart balloon
High heels 247 dias h
High heels
You're unforgettable 247 dias h
You're unforgettable
Grill Master 247 dias h
Grill Master
Candy box 247 dias h
Candy box
Friends' hug247 dias h
Friends' hug
De: Michas792
Diana I wish you a happy May weekend. Kisses
Drink on the rocks 247 dias h
Drink on the rocks
Pizza 247 dias h
I want to kiss you 248 dias h
I want to kiss you